Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Meeting with Reliable Counselor can Help you Heal in Optimum Way

Individual counseling is the effective treatment for the emotional and mental problems. This is best for people who want to reach the potential, find good strategies to deal with the life partner, family, friends, and colleagues, stimulates the conversation, explore the existential difficulties at the deeper level. The people can learn how to easily cope with the anxiety, sadness, anger, and depression.
How individual counseling helps?
Interacting with a supportive person and talking about the personal feelings and thoughts make an individual feels better. This is the most helpful way to resolve the emotional and personal problems and lead a meaningful and happier life. Individual Counseling Sessions is the highly effective method than talking about the issues with friends and family members as counselors use non-judgmental approach and give fair solutions without showing any biasness.
The professionally-trained counselors help a person to get to the roots of problems, reduce the emotional challenges, and bring the positive changes in all the important aspects of life. In the current days, numbers of people are seeking counseling for their everyday concerns such as self-doubt, relationship problems, academic issues, and others.
How to find the reliable counselor?
It is very easy to find the trustworthy and supportive therapist if you consider these following points.
1.       Understand what you are looking for in a counselor
2.       Ask family, friends and relatives for best recommendations
3.       Go with Google research
4.       Look for the counselor who is highly experienced
5.       Study about their previous cases
6.       Check certification
7.       Determine the counselor’s philosophy
8.       Check whether the counselor accepts the client’s feedback and admit his/her mistakes
9.       Background experience
10.   Does the counselor has experience in helping others with several problems
Why counseling not any medication?
Attending the Individual Counseling Sessions is better option than taking the pills each day. Medication is not the one-stop solution for mental and emotional problems even it may lead to several diseases and side effects. It cannot resolve the relationship problems or provide you the understanding of what is right for you. Counseling on other hand gives the insight on why to continue the things if these are putting you towards wrong way. It provides long-lasting benefits and transforms the life.   

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

How can you learn transactional analysis?

Might be many people have heard about the transactional analysis as it is gaining the wider popularity but not every person is fully aware with it. If you are a part of these people then you need to understand about it for developing the complete knowledge, become the expertise in this field, and avail several benefits.  

What is transactional analysis?

TA or transactional analysis was originally developed as an important approach to psychotherapy by Dr. Eric Berne who is a Canadian Psychiatrist. This is an effective theory of personality, human behavior, communication, and relationships, for groups, individuals, and families. 

Learning this theory benefits a person lot in different ways by ensuring their personal and professional development. An individual is able to learn how to better understand other people, communicate in an effective way, and deal with life adjustments. 

Ego states 

In transactional analysis, ego states are considered as sets of related behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. A person has some restricted range of these that can mark themselves at different moments of life. The repertoire can be divided into 3 categories. The state that connects with those of parental figures is referred to as Parent and those with an objective evaluation of reality are known as Adult. Child state refers to those which symbolize leftovers but these are still active and experienced in an early childhood. 

Transaction is another key concept of Transactional Analysis that is defined as the process that happens when 2 or more people interact. These transactions are of 2 types- crossed and complementary. 

Like this, there are so many concepts that can be learnt by taking the training or workshops. The major terms include games people play, I’m OK- You’re OK, strokes, contracts, life script, and more. TA101 is one of the courses that help in better learning these concepts within the duration of 2 days. This is the official introduction to TA, it history, and main concepts. People who participate in this course are awarded the TA 101 Certificate.

Today many people make the use of TA professionally for the higher growth and development and keeping their interest through various workshops.  

Those concerned in more developing their knowledge in applying TA in the fields of psychotherapy, education, organizational consultancy or counseling, may involve in a training of this program. Learning transactional analysis concept and implementing them lead to better life or give a brilliant performance.

Saturday, 29 July 2017

Benefits of Individual Counseling in Managing Stress

Every person experiences stress in their everyday. The only difference is someone has little stress on small things white others are highly stressed due to biggest issues that may be personal or professional. Little stress motivates a person but when it exceeds its limit, it starts creating negative impact on the relationships, career, and other aspects of life. It affects an individual physically and mentally making it difficult to live peaceful and blissful daily living. When a person finds difficult to handle the stress, it turns into the anger, fight, and other mental health problems.

Stress whether minimum or higher can be best treated with Individual Counseling Sessions where counselor helps a client in identifying the reason behind stress and find ways to effectively cope with it. The counseling helps in healing and changing the brain to live happier and healthier living.

Stress can be caused due to relationship problems, family issues, academic burden, financial problems, office work difficulties, and etc. No matter the cause of stress, it may start affecting your health if not controlled in the right time. This is why Individual Counseling Services are provided.

How counseling helps in stress?

The counseling helps find out the root of the stress and identify the ways that converts the feeling of depression into feel of success with the achievement of a goal.

The physical symptoms of stress includes insomnia, headaches and others but when it reached the physical manifestation, it leads to the risk of various severe mental health conditions such as  hypertension, stroke, chronic pain, hypersomnia, reduced intimacy, anger issues, depression, heart attack, and reduced enjoyment or participation in social activities.

Individual counseling is better than medication as it helps in managing the stress without creating any side effect on the health. The counselors provide a person with safe, comfortable, confidential, and nonjudgmental environment to help them deal with stress. The session addresses all stressful events and helps an individual find own answers of their problem.

A counselee opens himself completely expressing about what they feel, their difficulties, opinions, and everything to get the best solution and feel much better. Counseling helps change the negative thought patterns and find new ways of thinking.

Friday, 14 July 2017

Relational coaching-Assess relationship and responsibility

The world is filling with mirrors. There are two types of mirror-one touchable items that you can place anywhere and second relationship like your trusted family members, friends and colleagues, who can show you a part of yourselves that you cannot see. You had an opportunity to look at your heart’s mirror through relational coaching.

It can help to transform the fears from a paralyzing inactivity into a strong motivational energy for change. A Relational coaching can help an individual see the situation around them as awesome positive forces.

You also learned to manage everyone’s expectations, including your own. Here are a few fresh realizations that you learn from a coaching:

1. Relationships Matter

The real deal is what is going on with the most important relationships matter in your life.

2. Work and home are inseparable.

You may want to keep home separate from work but it almost impossible. Stress and emotional highs or lows that can come from a deadly work environment can negatively affect you home if it not properly managed.

3. Correction and feedback are gifts.

When you take time to remove the focus from yourselves, you can learn from your actions and even inactions. Meeting a quantity feedback is an excellent way of truly ascertaining whether you are hitting the mark.

4. Accountability makes you stronger.

Everybody knows that accountability at work is important to a business’s success as a whole. All employees, no matter what level of seniority is equally responsible for aiding in the success of the company.

In Relational coaching, any action plan should allow to develop organically. As the core principle is that each individual is in a specific relationship with his or her circumstances, there can be no pre-prepared guide as to how to approach this method.

Nevertheless, an attitude of trust, frankness and willingness to hold positive action are the starting important element for any successful session. Sensible questioning can help the coach to find out aspects of themselves and their situation that were previously unclear or misunderstood.  

Monday, 12 June 2017

Improve the Work Excellence with Relational Coaching

Life is a big happening event that every person must enjoy with great pleasure. It is a journey where an individual has to go through several ups and downs facing both happier and distressing moments. Change is the main rule of human life that one should adopt in order to deal effectively with various moments coming in a life.

To be good and happier in all the moments, it requires some skills and abilities such as good communication skills, nice behavior, problem-solving and decision-making skills. Professional life is the most challenging aspect of life where an individual passes through moments that involve so much headache and tensions.

Ever-increasing business work, desire to leave the competitors behind, win the competition, and achieve the excellence is what makes an individual highly distressing. Relational Coaching is the effective way to overcome the stress of professional life and make it stress-free. These coaching sessions help a person to create the professional excellence at the workplace.

There are so many psychological coaching offered to allow participants ensure the personal and professional development or growth but relational coaching is different from all these. It is all about determining what is good for a person and what is possible for them to achieve the true potential. This coaching works at the psychological depth to find out the entrenched thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and emotions.

RelationalCoaching ensures helpful development skills such as self-belief, mindfulness, and stress management. The participants develop skills in important aspects which will have a positive impact in all areas of professional life.  

This theory is getting immensely popular these days as it helps an individual to protect their personal and professional relationship, and minimize the distance between relatives. In the current days, the human life becomes more hectic and complicated with various uncertainties of living and numerous complicated difficulties that affect the balance of personal and professional life.

If you also feel that your professional life is not going in a way it must go then attend the relational coaching. It will definitely help you make the professional excellence, improve the skills and work performance.  

Monday, 29 May 2017

Individual Counseling vs. Group Counseling

Counseling is the best approach to bring the necessary changes in emotions, behavior, feelings, and other personal characteristics. It is the effective way to resolve the emotional issues that do not allow you to achieve the desired goal and lead the happier life. Counseling can be of two types- Individual and group.

Individual counseling vs. group counseling

Individual counseling refers to a process in which a counselor interacts with a single person in one-to-one setting and confidential environment. A counselee feels extremely comfortable and secure about exploring their personal information and identify the best method of resolving the issues. Individual Counseling Sessions can be set as per the needs of specific client. A person accomplishes so many things during the sessions such as work through challenges, identify life problems, acknowledge feelings, and establish the goals. 

Great benefits of individual counseling

  • ·         Thoughts, confusion, and thinking patterns get clear
  • ·         Optimum directives
  • ·         Clarity of physical as well as mental absences
  • ·         Search the areas for positive changes and improvements in a life
  • ·         Identify the cause of emotional, behavioral, and mental problems
  • ·         Solve academic problems and reduce stress
  • ·         Recognize own likes and dislikes; weak points and strength
  • ·         Improve relationship
  • ·         Resolve the family issues
Group counseling on the other hand is the best opportunity to people who have relationship problems. It is defined as having more than one client attending the session with one counselor. This counseling assures people that they are not alone and many people share and experience the same problems and struggles.  

Which is better- Individual counseling or group counseling?

The answer of this question cannot be given in favor of any of these because benefits of counseling depend on the client and their specific problems. Both individual and group counseling are equally helpful in resolving various kinds of difficulties. No one can give the answer of which one of them is better. 

It is an individual choice of a client who can try any of these therapies depending on whether their problem is personal or related to family or with other people. You can meet with a counselor and take their assistance in identifying which session to attend.   

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Relational Coaching- It’s All about Transforming the Viewpoint into Positive Outlook

The term Relational Coaching does not mean understanding the coach or learners responsibilities and skills. But, this is a process that involves sharing the problems or tensions between the main subject and environment, and moving forward by analyzing the outcomes. 

In the terms of business relationship, a person need to deal with many unpleasing situations such as pressure to beat the competitors with excellent performance, resolving the conflicts, dealing with the new challenges, etc. These are the situations that an employee wants to get rid of as it leads to anxiety, anger, and various mental problems. 

Relational coaching is what considered as the most effective and helpful way to transform these fears or inabilities as the strong inspiring energy for the positive change.

Situation is not always bad; it is on how a person looks at it and with what viewpoint. Relational Coaching helps a person consider the conditions around them not as the distressful or threatening force but a normal circumstance that needs to be understood and worked with effectively. It changes the human mind and perspective converting the fearful and negative things as the highly positive ones by developing the good outlook. 

What does relational coaching involve?

It is the process in which an individual or a complete group of people works together with the professional expert to develop the positive approach towards life, needed skills, and achieve the brilliant performance at workplace. A client is able to find out the meaning of their bodily sensations and emotions and implement the meaning of these things in their life effectively.
Relational coaching can be defined as the process of finding what is good and right for a person to achieve the life goal. There are many renowned coaches in India providing the coaching that fosters the development of leadership qualities, Meta vision, and promotes personal and professional growth. 

Professionals working in any organization are able to achieve the personal and professional goal that provides them with a special gift of forming the healthy boundaries in workplace. It provides them an ability to manage everyone’s expectations including their own also.