Saturday, 28 May 2016

Transactional Analysis, its Core Concepts and Benefits

Transactional Analysis is the theory of relationship, communication, personality and human behavior developed by Dr. Eric Berne in 1950s. This social psychology is gaining the popularity all over the world by enabling the people to make positive change in the pattern of interaction and communication to reach at the potential growth and maximum personal development. It is the proven method that helps an individual to understand interpersonal and intrapersonal social transactions. This therapy is designed to help people overcome the obstacles that do not allow achieving the life aspirations. 

Transactional analysis consists of many concepts that help students, counselors, social workers, therapists, educators, psychiatrists, clergy, organizational consultant and other people to bring the required positive change and make personal growth. After understanding how human behavior develops, how a person interacts with others, alters the ego states and communicational pattern, an individual is able to strengthen the idea that they have the capacity to solve emotional, professional problems and enhance personal as well as professional growth.   

Let’s take a short look over the key concepts of Transactional Analysis.
·         Ego States: Parent, Adult and Child
·         Transactions (Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, crossed, ulterior and complementary)
·         Strokes
·         I’m OK - You’re OK
·         Games People Play
·         Redecision
·         Diagnosis (phenomenological, social and historical)
·         Life Positions/Scripts
·         Time Structuring
·         Contracts
·         Intimacy

Who can benefit from transactional analysis?

The theory of communication and personality is providing effectiveness in wide variety of contexts such as organizational, educational, psychotherapists and counseling. A person who want to become a good communicator, create expertise in the career, create a new profession from their hobby or interest, build a business, find real meaning of life or set the goal of life can benefit a lot by taking Transactional Analysis Training from experienced trainer. It offers the great opportunity to develop communicational skills, create self awareness and improve learning skills that can be applied to achieve growth in all aspects of life. 

An individual who is not able to promote equal relationship to personal and professional life, choose the right career path and solve the emotional problems can get rid from these difficulties with transactional analysis training.